AppleTalk User Options Text Options from the Menu Bar The Font, Size and Color menu choices can be selected at any time to change the font, font size, and text color. When the font or size is changed, all text in all rooms immediately changes to reflect the new choice. Changing the text color only affects the text you type in the current Chat Room. All future typing in that room will be displayed in your selected color for all users in that Chat Room with color monitors. Each user controls their own text color. Using text colors is a great method of quickly separating messages from different users. Copy and Paste Chat Text While viewing any room, the text can be copied by highlighting the desired text and selecting Copy (⌘-C) from the Edit menu. That text can then be pasted to any application that supports text by selecting Paste (⌘-V) from the Edit menu. Erasing Chat Text If a room becomes too cluttered with text or you want to prevent someone from reading a conversation on your monitor, click the Erase button or select Erase text (⌘-E) from the Edit menu. The text in the current Chat Room is cleared. Windows Menu The Windows menu does more than simply list the open windows. The front–most window is indicated by a check mark ( 4 ) and Chat Rooms with new messages you have not yet read are preceded by a bullet ( l ). Text can only be typed in the front–most window. Saving Chat Room Text To save a Chat Room discussion, choose Start Capture… (⌘-K) from the File menu. A dialog box opens to allow the front-most room's discussion to be saved. Navigate within the Save dialog and click the Save button to begin capture. Only new discussion text will be captured. To stop capturing a discussion, select Stop Capture (⌘-K) from the File menu. If multiple discussions are being captured to multiple logs, the Stop Capture command applies to the discussion occurring in the front–most window. Printing Text To print the text of the front–most Chat Room window, choose Print… from the File menu. Speech On/Speech Off Selecting Speech On from the Preferences menu enables synthesized speech. When selected, the menu item toggles to display Speech Off. ChatNet supports MacinTalk, PlainTalk, and Apple Speech Manager. When speech is on, messages in the front–most window are spoken in addition to being displayed on the screen. Speech Preferences To access the Speech Preferences dialog box, Speech On must be enabled. The scroll bars allow the volume, rate, and pitch of the voice to be changed. Computers using MacinTalk 2, PlainTalk, or Apple Speech Manager can also select what voice to use.   Volume The volume scroll bar allows the volume of the voice to be changed. Volume increases as the thumb indicator moves to the right. Rate The rate scroll bar changes the speech rate of the voice. The speech rate increases as the thumb indicator moves to the right. Pitch The pitch scroll bar changes the pitch of the voice. The pitch increases as the thumb indicator moves to the right. Voice The voice pop–up menu allows different voices to be selected. When a voice is selected, the rate and pitch are set to the voice’s default settings. Computers without MacinTalk 2, PlainTalk, or Apple Speech Manager revert back to MacinTalk 1 and ignore the voice setting.   Note: ChatNet’s memory partition may need to be increased to support some voices. Test Clicking Test speaks the words “These are the current speech preferences” to sample the current speech preferences.